Storybook Favorites

 Storybook One: Odysseus Goes Shopping

Initially, I was drawn to this book because as a child I was a big fan of greek mythology. I remembered the story of the Odyssey and before I had even clicked on it I had already set a story in my head about what this story could be about. When I opened it I saw that it was a piece written about the author's husband as a modern telling of the epic poem I was instantly intrigued. Despite not what I had imagined it to be I was excited to see where the story would go. The introduction was a fabulous reflection of the classic poem in the current day with Troy ("trojan industries") being acquired by Ithaca. 

Storybook Two: Greek Therapy: The Myth in the Psychology

Going into this storybook it instantly had two of my interest in psychology and Greek Mythology. On the info page, there is a picture of Lucy from Charlie Brown which sets an instant tone of both fun and intrigues me making me want to read the introduction. When I got to the introduction it did a really good job of introducing characters from various stories from Greek mythology without giving away their name which made it fun trying to guess the character that was being talked about with a brief description and why they need therapy while introducing the narrator and their role in the story.  

Storybook Three: Discovering Dragons

This story was a little more outside of my realm of prior knowledge. It is from a story of Chinese mythology but I like that there is a twist where it changes the original protagonist into a heroine princess. It also raises the stakes because instead of just having a single person in danger it has an entire kingdom in need of saving. My favorite aspect of this storybook is the images that are used they are either interactive or they move and relate to the story. It really adds the story and I was very impressed with the images that were used and saw how images can add to a blog and the storytelling that is being done. 


("Dragon" by willfc is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


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