Week Five Story:Isis's Snake

 In the begging, there was Ra the sun. Language gives power and names hold that power. He was known by many names but there was one name that only he knew from with all of his power was derived. Ra in his power gave birth to all the lands the gods and the people to walk the earth below the heavens where he lived and presided. While most of the gods were allowed to live on the earth and the heavens and travel between the two whenever they would like however Isis the daughter of the Earth and the Sky was left stuck on the Earth to watch over the humans who lived and died only on the earth. While initially loving the humans and wanting to help them after thousands of years on the Earth watching them grow up and die and constantly disappointing her and being selfish it became aware to her that the people were beyond saving and she wanted to become free of the world and go to heaven where she would be free from the pain that came with spending time caring for the humans. 

In the Heavens, Ra had grown old with age. While deeply caring for his creations he had gone mad with maintaining his power he now required the majority of the day and night to sleep only having one hour a day to be able to socialize with the others. For fears that his life was ending soon, he called a giant feast and would speak to each god individually. 

When Isis heard the news that she would have the chance to go to the heavns for the chance to meet Ra she became excited and went to all the best vendors to get gifts and clothes to wear and right before she left an old man gave her a snake that was all white and told her to "present this to whoever you are preparing to present your gifts and you shall receive whatever you wish. She gladly took the snake and when she looked to ask questions the man had vanished. While surprised the snake was so small and beautiful and whiter than anything she had ever seen and she believed it to be the perfect gift.

When She eventually got to meet with Ra in the heavns and had presented all her gifts to him and had spoken to him about her time trapped on earth and how she wanted to live in the heavens while he barely seem cognizant of what was happening she became discouraged and questioned if giving the snake would even matter but she decided in the last sitch effort to try to get her request heard she would present the snake. When she pulled the snake out Ra immiditly sat up and looked at the snake. He admired its bueaty and when she handed the small snake to Ra it began to grow and grow until it was the size of an elephant. The snake then turned to Ra and swallowed him whole. At that moment the sun disappeared and everything turned black.

Authors Note.

I initially liked this story for a different reason but when I began writing it I thought that a mysterious ending with a cliff hanger where the audience could decide and imagine where the story could go and what would happen was more interesting. I started it with names making it seem Isis would steal Ra's name but instead Ra didn't survive and was eaten. 

Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907). The secret name of Ra


  1. Wow! What a rollercoaster of a story. You did a great job of telling the story and leading the readers on the journey with Ra. I have not read the original story of which this one was based off of, but I can imagine it is good. I wonder why the snake ate Ra? What compelled it to devour him whole? I also wonder what will happen now that the leader of the heavens is now gone? Great job with this story!

  2. Good job with the story. It was interesting. I like the idea of a goddess just getting tired of humans. While I understand what you were going for, I feel like the cliffhanger ending left me more dissatisfied than anything. Why did this guy give her a deadly, shapeshifting snake to give to someone? Why did the snake eat Ra? Most importantly, I can't see how murdering the king of the gods would grant you anything but banishment and pain. Maybe, in a future rewrite, you could expand on your idea of the hungry, shapeshifting snake.


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