Week 6 Lab
Advice To Writers
When I started this I didn't know what to expect but the first quote of the day I really related to it. It talked about how artists live in a state of constant terror and I was already drawn into the piece because of the title but the message had an even more profound meaning for me. It talked about how the hardest part for most people or at least the scariest part is the initial act of starting. I didn't only feel this in a writing since but as a sense of what it was like to be an actor. This suer I spent a substantial time writing a personal statement primary essays and secondary essays for medical school and it was always so daunting getting a question and knowing that I had to answer it and this answer had to show who I was while reaching a character limit. It was absolutely terrifying to start writing with the possibilities that the words that I would right be a contributing reason to me being accepted or rejected from a medical school.
I also read an article that said you have to write when you're not inspired. At first, it seemed kind of obvious to me but then I took a step back and changed it from something that I don't know a lot about and put it into a context that would have more of an impact on me. I have to study when I am not in the mood and just doing that little contextualization really change the way that this advice hit. It is truly looking back the things learned when I wasn't in the mood to study will still be learned and memorized and a year from now I won't remember what I learned when I was not feeling inspired to learn. Breaks are important but I don't think this is saying don't take breaks but instead is making a point that you don't always have to feel at your best to get something done and maybe by doing something you don't want to you could end up getting more out of it then you would have if you were not to do it in the first place.

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