Week 8 comments and feedback

Feedback In
I have to say that I have received some great feedback and while I have not gone back to review some of the feedback that much until this week I have a few times and I think that it has made my writing better. It is most useful when someone shares what they like just as much as what didn't work so that I can know if a risk I took paid off or didn't. 

Feedback Out
I believe that I have given pretty good feedback throughout this semester there are a few people who can write at a higher level than I can so my feedback to them may be more basic then I would like it to be but I try to put myself in their shoes and see what I would want to hear if I had written this piece and then go from there. I think my writing has also improved by reading some of my classmate's writing as well. 

Blog Comments
I have really liked having the chance to read people blog especially peoples introductions it is really cool that even though that this is an online class that I feel like I am actually getting to know some of the people in this class better than if I were to actually have been in an in-person class with them. 

Looking Forward
I think that I am happy with my comment wall and introduction it is really useful to see the comments that are left by others. I will just try to continue to give the most useful and specific advice that I can about the content and layout of people websites as I go. 

I like this image because I think that feedback is typically looked at by looking back but this shows that it is actually a way to look forward and continue your journey in any regard. 


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