Week 8 Reading and Writing

 Looking Back

Looking back through my blog post and my website it is crazy to think how much has already happened this semester and how the time has flown by. It is also really cool to see how my blog has evolved from where I didn't really know how I wanted to handle this class as well as feeling as I have gotten a little better at doing things in this course as it has continued. I am very happy with the way that my writing and storytelling have gone. I have noticed that I like to leave a story on a cliff hanger and I wonder if I have gotten that from the types of shows that I watch where they end in a way that makes you want to read more. I am surprised to see that I still have quite the active imagination at times and that really makes me happy to still see parts of my childhood excitement that I believed that I outgrew.  My best reading has probably been when I read about some greek mythology but I have been surprised how much I have loved learning about the mythology of other cultures. 

 Looking Forward
I want to finish this semester strong. I think that I am on a good trajectory and I hope to maintain that for the rest of the semester I think I will try to finish on the 13th week so that I can devote the rest of that time to focus on my harder science finals. I really have gotten a lot out of this class and while not what I really expected to be I have enjoyed this class for the most part. 


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